02 December 2006

Rummy's Last Word.

We're all shocked that Donald Rumsfeld wrote a memorandum stating some reservations toward the declining situation in Iraq, right?

To think that the man who was so absolutely convincing that the Bush Administration's stance of "Stay the Course" would lead to "victory in Iraq", the man who was purported to walk into the Pentagon and quash all ideas save for his own, D.R. would leave a message lying around for the New York Times to find detailing alternate paths the U.S. military could take for Iraq and Afghanistan? Sure he would.

People, sure he thought of many different ways to build a mouse trap, but they all catch mice. This little excerpt of inner-thinking from the former Sec. Def. and CIA spook is most likely a "hindsight" message in case an investigation into the makings of the Iraq War starts to come against him.

Do not be fooled to think he's a benevolent soul. After all: you leave with the army you have, not with the one you want.