17 November 2006

Airless America.

Following the dismall ratings of Al Franken is about to leave the show and has said he will not be doing radio any more. This is hardly a shock given the bankrupt station and low listenership. Minnesota incumbant, Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) He is better known as the guy that lost to "I an't got time to bleed" Jesse Ventura in the 1998 Minnesota Gubernatorial election Franken's chances to take the Senate are met with reasonable skeptesism given his comedic history.

However, pundits are attributing his charm and superficial knowledge of political dealings to his benefit and are seeing his chances as somewhere between good and equal. Al's outspoken anti-war-Bush-Republican books and statements seem to go hand-inhand with Senator Coleman's past feelings on the Vietnam war and Nixon administration. The Senator is known to have actively participated in peaceful protests and to have displayed an anti-war flag at one rally in particular.

So I say to the man, whether your intention is to escape the sinking boat of Air America, printing more of your books through Barnes & Nobel, or to seek State office in The North Star State: Run Al, Run!