15 November 2006

Water & Heater.

Today I want to write about a matter that modern American society takes for granted: internal heating systems. The fact of the matter is that without this utility, our health, society and standards of living would be on par with our Neandethal ancestors.

Today our house's heater ended it's run of glory. Upon calling for a technician to look at the problem we have discovered the large filter meant to remove irritants from the air was clogged with about a 2" thick matt of dog hair. The air simply couldn't get through to be heated. Ergo, dog was brished and a new filter was purchased.

To top it off, the thermotat was from 1976 and had long ago given up it's goat to regulate the heat in out home. A new model, digital touch-screen, programable for the week and such, was installed by myself and works just wonderfully.

Posit: Without facing the eventual problem of what can go wrong with a system, like the heater & thermostat in this instance, domestics can further ourselves far beyond the ability to contribute to society. It's one thing to have a great job with little work outside of tacking away on a computer and lounging all day, but unless we all take the time to maintain some base skills of mechanics, engineering and maintence, we will return to the days of the cave-dweller before becoming aware that it would even be possible to do so.