09 January 2007

In the Year 2029...

On Christmas Eve in 2004, astronomers came to the realization that a near-Earth Asteroid named 99942 or Apophis (after the Egyptian God of darkness and chaos) will pass by the planet within just under 20,000 miles (give or take 2,000). Recommended reading of the odds on chances of Apophis' impact with the Earth would include a listing of the history of estimates compiled on wikipedia. It's a short distance to be sure, especially in the scope of Earth-bound travel. Universally speaking: a brush-by.

Why do I bring this up today? It's all because of this: An MSNBC article in the Men's Lifestyle section two years after the fact blowing the idea that impact is possible into "unlucky" by twisting the facts. Because this article was placed on the front of MSNBC before checking my email, it received immediate notice by myself and, presumably, a vast number of other readers or hotmail/MSN email account holders.

On the eve of President Bush's address concerning the suspected increase in troops to Iraq, the growing concern over imbalance in the Middle East and North Korea, and the troubles in the homeland I am left to wonder if MSNBC is trying to put things into perspective that it'll all be folly when 99942 wipes out 75% of life on the planet come one Friday the 13th over 22 years from now. A bleak look at the goings-on, hotmail; and I thought I was looking on the dark humor of daily American life.