20 January 2007

730 Remain.

This is the number of days our current President will remain in office. In exactly two years from today's date, President George W. Bush, Jr. will exit the White House and a new President will be sworn in. Who will it be?

This week, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois announced the opening of his exploratory committee. Today, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York did the same. At this time the focus begins fully on who's to stand before the American people on 20 January 2009, right hand raised and left upon the Bible. The swearing in ceremony as U.S. President seems so solemn a moment that we should all be thankful for its lulling effect after the months of mudslinging, name-calling, media-overexposure, strength posturing, attack ads and muckraking that the voting public have come to expect of multi-million dollar political campaigns.

The time is running short for some, and shorter for most others.