19 October 2006

Convenient Truth.

I have decided to apply for a trainee position with The Climate Project, an extension of the Al Gore presentation/movie An Inconvenient Truth. The project is aimed at getting volunteers willing to come out and learn how to present the slideshow Mr. Gore does in the film and has for the past decade or so.

At the very least, it’s a great opportunity to see not just how global warming is effecting my generation, but how we are responding to the growing crisis. The application asks, “In approximately 100 words, please describe your background and why you wish to participate:” My response is as follows:
I am a native of the southwest coast of Oregon educated and living in my State’s largest metropolis: Portland. After traveling the country as a medical professional, I can say that Oregon is astounding in its rawness. My home State possesses this country's most vast, natural and beautiful coastline; and I admit my bias openly. With nature as rich and diverse as it is here, a home this lovely is best shared. I ask you to give me the chance to let me bring my open spaces, coastal stretches, small towns, large cities, and passion to your efforts in spreading this most imperative message. Thank you.
The application also asks applicants to list up to five venues where a potential presenter would anticipate giving the lecture, including approximated numbers of attendees. Oregon’s prevalent venues made this an easy answer. The final question was more thought provoking. My answer follows the question:

“What makes you a strong candidate to be chosen for this training program?”
My job affords me the unique opportunity to equitably balance the time I spend with my wonderful wife and family without having to struggle to make ends meet. Given this, I will be capable to put forth a full effort into regionally sharing the message that Mr. Gore, The Climate Project, and other national organizations are endorsing. I have contacts in Portland, Bend, Eugene and other parts of Oregon and Washington that are ready for local conversations about this simple truth: Global changes effect us all.