18 September 2006

One Year.

On this day last year, I had the pleasure of committing to spend the rest of my life with Lisa. Since that time last year I have grown to know and care for her even more than the year before it. I also know that there is still so much more for us to share in the years to come. We will be returning to the McMenamins Grand Lodge, where we were married, for two days of relaxation and further honeymooning.

The first year anniversary tradition is paper. Though my blog is electronic, I have writen down many of the little sayings my wife and I have used to one another since meeting (inside jokes, affirmations, and the like) into a little book for her gift. There will be enough room left in it to add as the years continue. Sweet things like this are the reason I love her so much, because she lets me be a complete sap and dork.