07 October 2006

Copperfield's Shadow.

Today I've procrastinated a bit too much. My list of duties to complete has already doubled since yesterday and I'm finding it hard to get motivated to complete them all.

Aside from shoring up the lengthy new lecture for Tuesday covering open and laparoscopic GYN procedures, I have a letter to write to Todd and Sara asking them about Thanksgiving in Stumptown, a physician assistant application statement or two to write, two nights more of work at OHSU, and more to read in the newspaper and novel areas of my life. Add to this time that I enjoy spending with my wife and dog and it's a wonder I can still write my blog. Which is another matter I am amazed by.

With this entry I have written every single day for the past 75 days. Tomorrow is my eleventh Lazy Sunday photo op and I'm still finding things that are interesting and fresh to write about. Despite all that I may complain about, politics, job, writing, I know there is far worse that I could be doing, having or being. There is little room for complaints when so many more have things so much worse than I ever could imagine, I feel lucky to know that this has been a great venture into returning to the art I've enjoyed as a youth. The novel gets better, the letters get longer, the entries are stronger, my heart gets lighter, my hope gets greater. And just like that, procrastination is a thing of the past.

Time to get to the list and be done with it.